Friday, August 13, 2021

Following are a series of works produced by my Design students. The assignments reflect the principles of Design such as line, contrast, negative and positive space, depth dimension, form and function and understanding color. Also included is a 5 x10 ft mural students developed based on the compilation of the elements of Design providing students with a holistic perspective on how the role of Design can be used to create an expressive work of Art.







Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Teaching Color Theory at the University of Kentucky was a well attended class with students producing great work. The International Studies department wanted their students to particpate in a painting project so they asked if they could join us for a day in order to bring their language skills up and interact with American students. Following are images from that wild day. They brought over about 50 students and we did a 5 x 40 ft. Quilt in ONE DAY!!! Thankfully I had the team from the International Studies department overt to help. It was a great project. 



Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

"Spring Flowers in Vase"Sharon Spence, Lawrence Art Center, Lawrence, KS

This was the final piece in the floral series for Sharon. This painting was completed after a series of one minute 30 second studies. The drama takes place between the lights and darks in the Iris and the bold use of yellow providing complimentary color and a focal point for the painting. I love the highly charged areas of deep purple and the mastery of the broad, loose brush strokes. Sharon was able to achieve mastery with the material after working through the studies. This painting is alive with color and movement. I love the off centered nature of the vase and the purple Iris that cascades over its edge. 

"Spring Flowers in Vase" Sharon Spence
Available for Sale Contact: Sharon Spence, Lawrence Art Center, Lawrence, KS

"Still Life Florals"Sharon Spence, Lawrence Art Center, Lawerence, KS

Sharon's work during the one minute 30 second watercolor studies gave her a remarkable sense of the medium and brought fulfillment of the experience between painter, medium and subject. This painting was created during the warm up sessions. Broad fast strokes of color moving quickly with a very wet paper provided her with a clear and simple understanding of how watercolor works. I love the movement and the clear color in this highly expressive painting. 

"Still Life Florals" Sharon Spence
Available for Sale, Contact: Sharon Spence Lawrence Art Center, Lawrence, KS

"Study for Pitcher #2"Sharon Spence, Lawrence Art Center, Lawrence, KS

In this second painting in the series we see dynamic color moving into more defined forms. The precise details of this lovely painting is left up to the viewer. The image is full of large, rapid brush strokes that evoke images of Japanese Sumi painting. The time frame for this piece was one minute 30 seconds. Sharon continued exploring the silence of her own individual creative intelligence and we can see this in her work. The drama takes place in the combined use of burnt sienna and cobalt blue.

"Study for Pitcher #2" Sharon Spence
Available for Sale Contact: Sharon Spence Lawrence Art Center, Lawrence, KS

"Pitcher" Sharon Spence, Lawrence Art Center, Lawrence KS

This is the final piece in Sharon's "Pitcher"Series. We can see how the very quick studies kept the emotions  moving in each painting. In this final work Sharon used all of her emotive power to create this final piece. In a stoic pitcher we see everything. We see movement, color, and the dramatic play of darks and lights. The form of the pitcher grounds all of the lovely color work. The beautiful transparency of watercolor was not lost in this very powerful final painting. 

"Pticher" Sharon Spence
Available for Sale, Contact: Sharon Spence, Lawrence Art Center, Lawrence, KS